April 23, 2018

Vocabulary #22

1.) attribute a usually good quality or feature that someone or something has; size color, shape, etc

2.) side - one of the line segments that make a flat, 2D shape

3.) vertex - the corner of an object

4.) face - the flat surface on a solid shape

5.) matter - what makes up all things

6.) properties - how something feels, looks, smells, tastes or sounds

7.) mass - how much matter is in an object

8.) solid - matter that has a shape of its own

9.) liquid - matter that flows and takes the shape of what you pour it in

10.) gas - matter that spreads out to fill all the space of what it is in

11.) sacrament - a special sign given to us by Jesus

12.) prairiea large, mostly flat area of land that has few trees and is covered in grasses