February 10, 2019

Reminders for week of 2/11/19

Part One: Written Report

  1. Book Report Cover

    Create an interesting book cover for your Biography Book Report.  This may be hand drawn or computer generated, provided it is your original work.
  • Include your name, the title of the book, and the author in an imaginative or creative way.
  • Include a creative illustration that shows something important about the book.
  • The source for all computer generated clip art must be appropriately cited.

2. Book Report Contents:  Your report should follow the format below:

First paragraph (introduction) should include:

The title, author, and a brief description of why the subject of the book is important.
 Middle paragraphs should include:
  • Identify at least one, but no more than three, character trait this person possessed and explain how it contributed to his/her success.
  • Explain how this person began in his/her field.
  • Were there any obstacles he/she had to overcome?  Name any weaknesses, failures, or disappointments the subject had.
  • Who were (if any) the important people in this person’s life.  Did the subject have a hero or role model who set an example?
  • Facts (details) about how this person contributed to his/her field or specialty.
  • What is the achievement(s) for which he/she is best known?
  • The part of this person’s life you admire the most, and why.
  • Something that surprised you the most about this person.

    Concluding paragraph(s) should include:

    A summary of the body of the report, including whether or not you think this book gives an honest account of your subject.

Part Two and Three: Tri-fold board and Oral Presentation

   Poster: Use a standard-sized poster board which includes:

  • Title of the biography and name of the author
  • A timeline showing important achievements
  • A direct quote from the book which you feel accurately portrays the subject of your biography
  • Pictures related to your subject.  These may be hand drawn, photocopied, or from the Internet. You must cite your source.
  • All work must be neat and visually appealing

          Oral Report: Prepare a 2-3 minute oral report on your subject.  
    Note cards may be used.
  • Use your poster board as a guide to help you during the oral report.
  • Be prepared to answer questions from the audience
Review and practice your delivery of the oral presentation.

*2nd Grade - begins Module 5
*3rd grade - Tuesday, SS Ch. 6 quiz

*4th grade - Module 3 Assessment Tuesday

Monday, 2/11/19

3rd - SS Chapter 6 quiz

4th Math - Module 3 Assessment

Tuesday, 2/12/19

2nd Math - p. 3-4 Module 5

3rd Math - finish p. 18-19

Wednesday, 2/13/19

2nd Math - p. 15-16

3rd Math - finish p. 21-22

4th Math - finish p. 2-3 Module 4

Thursday, 2/14/19

2nd Math - finish p. 17-18; 19-20; Freckle

3rd Math - finish p. 24-26; Khan Academy

4th Math - p. 5-10; Khan Academy  Click for more help